
Trusting God in Times of Peril

Whether you serve close to home or in another country, you can’t promise your family you’ll always be safe. God doesn’t promise safety, but His presence.




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December 4, 2018


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Check out this article, Trusting God in Times of Peril: Ben couldn't guarantee his family he'd always be safe—there is danger in missions. God doesn't promise to keep us safe, but He promises His presence.


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Whether you serve close to home or in another country, you can’t promise your family you’ll always be safe. Sometimes, there is danger in missions. In this article, part of a series on barriers to serving in mission, a Pioneer shares how he’s come to appreciate God’s presence in dangerous times and places.

Facing unexpected danger in missions

When I was 21 years old, I had to be evacuated from Liberia, West Africa, because a civil war had broken out there. I had to drive past dead bodies on the street on my way to find refuge. Previously, armed robbers surrounded the place where I was living with two Liberian men. They shattered one of our windows as they tried to break in and rob our home. I was glad our windows had bars. They never got in.

More recently, I moved to East Asia with my family, including a child only six months old. We sold or got rid of almost everything we owned and went to a culture completely unknown to us, realizing we would have to learn several languages if we were to be part of seeing the gospel proclaimed to those who had never heard it. Daunting to say the least.

I guess I’ve been through some scary things. I’m grateful. God brought me to safety through those perilous times in my life.

God’s Word and His presence gave me peace in scary moments.

There were times traveling in the mountains when I thought about all that could go horribly wrong. One day, I got a flat tire in the middle of nowhere and could only see snow-capped peaks and empty valleys in every direction. Bible verses burst into my mind and flooded my heart with peace.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”   ̶ Isaiah 41:10

If you don’t have that one committed to memory, I encourage you to plan to do so soon. That and Philippians 4:6-8 have come to my mind more times than I can count and provided me with the grace I needed to endure. He often reminded me of His loving and tender care, even during chaotic times.

Once, some of our teammates were traveling at a high altitude over a mountain pass. Their youngest child turned blue from lack of oxygen. They rushed him down the mountain while praying fervently for the Lord to protect him. They got back to safety, and he was normal, but not before they’d wrestled with fear. Still, God prevailed. I often wonder if He might have allowed that situation to show His loving hand of protection to the Asian eyes watching us and hearing us cry out in the name of Jesus.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”   ̶ Proverbs 3:5-6

What God taught me through danger in missions

God has used these experiences to deepen my trust in Him, His promises, and His sovereign and merciful hand. The more I’ve realized God is still in control of ALL things, from the “wind and the waves” (Luke 8:24) to heavy-handed governments, the greater peace I’ve found in stepping out in faith. He is the source, meeting all my needs (Philippians 4:18-19), despite any danger in missions I may encounter.

Knowing that God really cares about my attitude and shaping me to become a sanctified vessel—cracks and all—affects my prayer life. Sometimes, He can get our attention best when we are in the furnace of affliction.

Christ does not promise an easy life if we pursue Him. He promises His presence even to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5). Hold on to His promises today, delighting yourself in Him while counting the cost of being His disciple (Luke 14:25-28), especially if you sense Him leading you to step out by faith and move to another place or ministry (see Matthew 19:29).

Looking back on all I’ve experienced, I can easily say it was worth the risk.

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Take the next step

Want some help?

Read answers to the question, Can I become a missionary if I fear going overseas? (

Ask us about risk assessment, security training and crisis management plans.

Read the book Facing Danger: A Guide Through Risk by Anna E. Hampton

Join a missionary mom as she wrestles through issues relating to keeping her kids safe.  

Going Deeper

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