
Would You Eat These 10 Foods for the Gospel?

Don’t read this article if you are in the middle of lunch or have a queasy stomach.


Amanda Lynn


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August 11, 2015


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Check out this article, Would You Eat These 10 Foods for the Gospel?: We asked Pioneers around the world, about the strangest textures, fragrances and tastes they have encountered. Would you give these a try?


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Few activities hold more meaning across cultures than gathering for a meal together. We asked Pioneers around the world, apart from the many delicious and exotic food experiences, what were the strangest textures, fragrances and tastes they have encountered.

10. Live bee larvae in Southeast Asia.

That would take some getting used to...

9. Fried starfish in East Asia.

“It tastes like stagnant seawater. Horrible!”

8. Grilled duck tongue in East Asia.

“Because it was coated with seasonings and grilled, the flavor was good. But there wasn’t much to eat. Our hosts also gave us a bag of prepackaged duck tongues to eat as snacks on the go, but we haven’t been in a rush to open them up.”

7. Roasted stinging caterpillars in South America.

“They love to eat stinging caterpillars. They roast them over the coals, rub the stinging bristles off, and serve them with yucca (also known as cassava). They taste a lot like fried chicken skins.”

6. Fried termites in West Africa.

“This is actually a family favorite. They taste like French fries!”

5. Fried guinea pig in South America is a delicacy.

“When they serve it, it looks like a flattened guinea pig with the paws and head intact.

4. Sheep eyeballs in Central Asia.

“Sheep eyeballs are presented to the most honored guest.”

3. Fermented potatoes in the Peruvian Andes Mountains.

“It is called tokosh and is served as a dessert with the consistency of tapioca pudding. They ferment potatoes in cold mountain streams for up to a year. The smell turns your stomach and the taste almost does the same. The locals love it and proudly serve it as a regional dish, but they know the smell of it is horrid.”

2. Balut (developing duck embryo) in the Philippines.

“They boil it and eat it inside the shell. They sprinkle a little vinegar or sea salt on it and then pop it into their mouths.” See picture above.

And the food that takes the prize for the most difficult food for our Pioneers to eat is…

1. Masata (spit beer) in South America.

“They make it by chewing up and spitting out yucca and sweet potato repeatedly. They add water and then let it ferment. I thought it was gross until I helped a neighbor. She told me, ‘You need to get the spit from the back of your throat.’ Then I thought it was disgusting.”

Other items that weren’t quite difficult enough to make the list are:

  • Fried crickets
  • Cream-filled silkworms in East Asia
  • Snails in Europe
  • Durian, a slimy fruit eaten in Southeast Asia
  • Ox kneecap in Asia
  • Squid in Asia
  • Goat head in North Africa
  • Dried lamb preserved in its own lard in North Africa
  • Raw, cubed liver in North Africa
  • Satay monitor lizard
  • Jellyfish salad in Southeast Asia
  • Salted plums in Japan
  • Boiled sheep head
  • Cow tongue in Central America
  • Chitterlings (entrails of swine)

Have a strong stomach and an adventurous spirit? Consider Venture, a mission journey that can last from a month to a year.

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