
Picture Your Life There

A Pioneer shares his journey from corporate America to the Middle East

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August 11, 2015


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Check out this article, Picture Your Life There: Experience in corporate America helped a Pioneer open a business in the Middle East that provided jobs, gave him credibility and yielded spiritual fruit.


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As I listened to another message on apathy and missions, I felt a stirring in my heart. I had a career at FedEx and “bled purple,” as was said of any highly dedicated employee. I was involved in church, yet something was missing. That stirring began a journey I am still traveling.

God revealed His will for me to serve Him overseas by speaking to me through these messages at our church, reading Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper, and many prayers and discussions with my wife, our pastor and trusted friends.

I put a fleece before the Lord, asking him to provide a way out of FedEx that would provide a financial cushion and enable me to leave in a God-honoring way. Two weeks later, I received a call from my boss, notifying me that for the first time in the history of FedEx, they were offering early buy-out packages for senior managers. Though it was one of the hardest things I have ever done, I accepted the offer and resigned.

Stepping out in faith

The course was set. We applied with Pioneers, and 18 months later, we moved to the Middle East.

The call for me to leave corporate America was clear, but it came before the call to a specific unreached people group. After we took a leap of faith and joined Pioneers, the Lord laid Muslims in the Middle East on our hearts. Then, when we arrived in the Middle East, we had no clear idea what we were going to do beyond language study. Throughout this process, God gave us the next step. Then we waited on Him again.

Starting a business

We opened a small business, and I realize now that my tenure at FedEx was simply training and preparation for future ministry in the Middle East. Through this business, we employed over 30 men and women, built credibility within the community and saw spiritual fruit. God did it all!

This journey has not been easy, but it has been worth every step. Our life and this work testify to the fact that God can use anyone for His kingdom purposes.

Is God leading you to move into a career that has a direct impact on an unreached people group?

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Take the next step

Have a conversation with one of our dedicated mission mentors. They will listen to you, pray with you and help you discern God’s leading.

Check out A Long-Term Pursuit for more on the process of joining Pioneers.

Looking for opportunities to use your business skills? Explore Building Bridges Through Business: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs.

Looking for more resources related to integrating the marketplace and missions? Check out Marketplace Ministries.

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