Get To Know Us
Explore going with Pioneers.
Explore is designed to help you prayerfully discern whether Pioneers is the right fit for you as you pursue cross-cultural ministry.
You don’t have to know where you want to go. You don’t have to have it all figured out. Just take the next step to explore God’s leading.
Explore is for both those who seek to go long-term and those who go for up to a year with Venture. The event typically includes several virtual interviews (days or evenings) the first week and then a four-day event on our campus the second week.
We get to know you. You get to know us.
We begin each morning with time in Scripture and worship as we surrender our lives and each day of Explore to God. These sessions set the spiritual tone for the week’s activities.
Learning about Pioneers
From unpacking our core values to hearing about why Pioneers exists and where we work, we hope to give you a better sense of the heart of Pioneers. Explore also includes sessions on partnership development (fundraising), team dynamics, cross-cultural adjustment and more.
By the end of the week, you’ll have a better sense of what serving with Pioneers is like.
Explore gives you time to connect with Pioneers staff, from candidate coaches and Orlando-based staff to international missionaries, and, of course, 25-30 other candidates also seeking God’s will in cross-cultural ministry.
Ask questions, gain wisdom and find clarity for your mission journey.
So we can get to know you, too, we’ll have you meet virtually the week before the in-person sessions with a small group of current and former field workers who will discuss your application and interests. In addition, you’ll meet with a counselor who will review your psychological and personality assessments. These sessions help us understand you and create a personalized plan for your preparation. During your time in Orlando, you’ll be assigned a pre-field coach who will journey with you until you reach the field.
Our goal is to see each Pioneer well equipped and emotionally healthy before leaving for the field.
Decision-making process
If you are invited to join Pioneers, you can accept right away or take some time to prayerfully consider the offer with family, friends, mentors and church leaders. Most people who attend Explore do not know where and how they will serve. Typically, decisions about where to go and what to do (as well as which team to join) are made further down the road and involve connecting with field leaders and visiting possible fields of service.