Mission Engagement WOrkshop
Welcome to The Greenhouse
The Church Partnership Team invites you to step into The Greenhouse, a series of 15 recorded online workshops designed for churches and leaders who want to cultivate and nurture greater missions engagement at their church. These sessions took place monthly from late 2020 to early 2022.
The Greenhouse tackles themes including the “soil” of biblical missions passion, the “seeds” of gospel-driven discipleship and the “fertilizer” of clear missions definition. As you take in each Greenhouse—whether one session or all 15—and interact with the content and resources shared, you will find answers to the driving question,
“What does it look like to be an engaged sending church?”
Recorded Greenhouse sessions
Click the link below to access the workshops. You will be asked some basic information. Then contact a Church Partnerships Facilitator to discuss any of these topics and dynamics in your own church context. We would love to come alongside you.