
Refuge: A Sudanese Refugee Story

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December 27, 2023


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Check out this video, Refuge: A Sudanese Refugee Story: When Mahdi fled Sudan for Egypt, he brought with him questions, questions about why people would kill one another in the name of God.


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Far from home, he found Jesus.

The wars had been going on all his life, so Mahdi fled Sudan for Egypt. And he brought with him questions, questions about why people would kill one another in the name of God. That’s what was happening in Sudan. Disillusioned with the faith he’d been raised with, Mahdi started looking for a new way.

“I encourage everyone who doesn’t know truth to seek it out. And this truth will set them free.” – Mahdi

In our newest video, Mahdi and his wife, now living in France, tell their story in their own words. Hear how media outreach made a difference, why Mahdi decided to follow Jesus and how that led to the launch of more than 50 house churches across Egypt.

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Take the next step

Watch an explaining video answering the question, What Is Media Outreach?

Rafik, an Area Leader with Pioneers in North Africa, shares stories of Muslim seekers coming to faith.

It was 2018 when Hanedi’s husband, Mahdi, told her he wouldn’t be fasting during Ramadan with her that year. And that was only the beginning.

Going Deeper

Check out these other related resources

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