
Stay connected after serving with Pioneers

The Pioneers Alumni Network seeks to cultivate meaningful connections with Pioneers alumni (those who previously served on Pioneers teams) for encouragement and potential kingdom impact.

Enjoying conversation

Never the same

Whether you served on a Pioneers team for a few years or for decades, the experience will change you. You may find it hard to come “home” and be eager for ways to stay involved with others who shared your way of life. We want you to know you’re not forgotten.

Let’s be there for each other and those who will come after us.

The 1,400+ former Pioneers field workers around the globe have a lot to offer. Their unique experiences are vital for raising up new workers, encouraging existing workers and mobilizing churches. But these same experiences can make transitioning back to the U.S. challenging. The Pioneers Alumni Network seeks to encourage and carry each another’s burdens to maximize our impact and smooth that adjustment of returning “home.”

The Pioneers Alumni Team consists of coordinators who oversee different parts of the U.S. and aim to support the alumni in their regions. You can email the Pioneers Alumni Network to get connected with them.

Cultivate meaningful connection while “home”

When you join the Pioneers Alumni Network, you will receive a copy of Returning Well, a guide to thriving back “home” after serving cross-culturally.

We hope it will serve as a valuable tool as you transitioning back to the U.S. In keeping with the vision of cultivating meaningful connections, groups of Pioneers alumni gather multiple times per year to discuss the book and support one another.


Still not sure?

Are you still wondering whether or not the Pioneers Alumni Network is right for you? Maybe you have a specific question about how the network might benefit you? Let’s talk about it!