
Educating Missionary Kids

Could you be a teacher and help keep families on the frontlines?


Amanda Lynn


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August 16, 2018


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Check out this opportunity, Educating Missionary Kids: The work of Kay, a teacher, enables the families on her team to stay healthy while serving among an unreached people group.


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Kay teaches missionary kids in North Africa. She came to help with a homeschool cooperative program for several Pioneers families serving there. Now it has become a growing private school that is growing.

“My being here means that families can stay…” she says. “I see what I’m doing as frontline ministry.”

Kay was raised in Africa and understands what it’s like to grow up in a culture that isn’t her passport country. So, she is able to talk to them about the issues that are particular to children living cross-culturally. She isn’t merely their teacher. She is also a counselor and a friend.

Though her primary role is to teach kids, Kay also takes time to study and learn the local dialect and culture. She is building relationships with several women in her neighborhood and loves her spiritual conversations with them.

“When there aren’t schools for their kids, they can’t come.”

Why North Africa?

Kay had no calling to a specific people or place. Her calling is education. She provides a critical component that allows these families to go to the unreached and stay healthy as a family. But she has grown to love North Africa and the spiritual openness she finds there. She also loves the hospitality and generosity that she experiences from the local people. Soon after her arrival, a family adopted her as their own, and they look after her. She celebrates holidays and walks through life with them.

There’s a place for you as a teacher.

Whether you prefer a formal school setting or the flexibility of homeschooling or tutoring, many teams and families are looking for teachers to help educate their children.

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