
Sharing Jesus With Immigrants

I wonder how I got here, to this immigrant ministry? That question runs through my head more often than I choose to acknowledge.

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January 28, 2019


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Check out this article, Sharing Jesus With Immigrants: How did I end up in immigrant ministry? At a Syrian wedding? Sharing food on the floor with Afghans? Answering questions about Jesus?


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How did I...

  • End up at a Syrian wedding on the fourth of July with a room full of fully covered women watching me and wondering why I was there?
  • Come to share a plate of food with my Afghan friend and her family who have adopted me as an aunt, sister and friend?
  • Get to be 30, taking a driving test in a country that drives on the left side of the road?

Immigrant ministry involves sharing access, even to our Good Book.

I sat on the couch in my new Iranian friend’s living room, and as I looked at the cloth flowers carefully displayed in jars lining the bottom of the window, her daughter asked, “Why do you believe Jesus heals people?” After I offered the best words I could find on the subject from my own experience, she leaned in across the room and whispered, “Did you bring it?”

“Did I bring what?” I quickly responded.

“The book?”

“You mean The Bible?” I asked.

She responded with a confident “Yes!”

No, in fact, I hadn’t brought the Bible. And I didn’t even know she wanted to read the Bible. I had walked into her house thinking I would drink tea and chat about life, the craft cafe that I wanted to invite her to and how I met her mom. How did I get here?

Christ has dramatically changed who I am—so why would I not share that with others?

I keep asking myself the same question. But the truth is I already know the answer.

It’s the same reason I moved overseas for immigrant ministry in the first place. The fact is that Christ has dramatically changed who I am—so why would I not share that with others? All the little decisions I make every day add up to being obedient, allowing me to share love and truth with others.

This week, I gave my new Iranian friend and her daughter Bibles in their own language. I pray that I will someday be able to go back and talk more with them. Between now and then, I am starting to rephrase my internal questions from “How did I get here?” to “How can I show love and truth right here right now?”

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Take the next step

Other resources about immigrant and refugee ministry

Watch A Canyon A Cathedral, a short film documenting what happens when a group Christian and Muslim guys hike through a slot canyon together.

In this episode of Relentless Pursuit Podcast, we talk to Paul, a leader in Pioneers’ “diaspora” ministry who served for many years in East Asia and is now working in Austin, Texas.

When Mahdi fled Sudan for Egypt, he brought with him questions about why people would kill one another in the name of God.

Going Deeper

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