
Who Is a Missionary?

If everyone is a missionary is anyone a missionary?



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July 19, 2019


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Check out this video, Who Is a Missionary?: What or who is a missionary? And is everyone supposed to be one? Is missionary even a biblical word? Definitions matter. Find out why.


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What does it mean to be a missionary?

Jesus told the disciples to go and make more disciples. It’s a job for the whole Church, right? But does that mean we’re all supposed to be missionaries, each one of us in our own way, wherever we go? Great sentiment, but let’s take a closer look. Is “missionary” even a biblical world? If so, what does it mean in the Bible? Maybe there are good reasons for defining it in a more narrow, specific way. Definitions matter. And if everyone’s a missionary right where they are, just blooming where they’re planted, over half the world will remain a spiritual desert. Know someone with questions about what it means to be a missionary? Share this with them!

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  • 00:00 — A growing trend
  • 00:28 — The Greek roots of the word
  • 01:18 — Are missionaries a special type?
  • 02:05 — Why the distinction matters

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<p class="rich-text-callout"><strong>See Also: </strong><a href="#"><em>Discerning Your Calling: How Do You Know If God Is Leading You to Serve Cross Culturally?</em></a></p>

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