
The Spirit of North Africa

The cradle of ancient Christianity


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August 14, 2019


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Check out this video, The Spirit of North Africa: Vibrant, colorful North Africa produced some of the world’s most influential Christians in the earliest centuries. Now the Church is being reborn.


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New life in the Arab world

This vibrant, colorful region produced some of the world’s most influential Christians in the earliest centuries. Did you know some of today’s least-reached places were once centers of Christian activity and influence? (Read more in The Early Church in North Africa). Could it happen again? We pray so. After Islam, arrived the Church all but disappeared in North Africa. Now, more than a millennium later, the Church is being reborn. Local and foreign Christians are working together.

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<p class="rich-text-callout"><strong>See Also: </strong><a href="#"><em>Discerning Your Calling: How Do You Know If God Is Leading You to Serve Cross Culturally?</em></a></p>

Take the next step

Check out our photo essay with scenes from North Africa.

Hear what Carrie has to say about the youth culture in her country.

Going Deeper

Check out these other related resources

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